人=吃飯+睡覺+上班+玩人=吃飯+睡覺+上班+玩豬=吃飯+睡覺代入: 人=豬+上班+玩移項: 人-玩=豬+上班結論: 不懂玩的人=會上班的豬男人=吃飯+睡覺+掙錢豬=吃飯+睡覺代入: 男人=豬+掙錢移項: 豬=男人-掙錢所以男人不掙錢就等於豬女人=吃飯+睡覺+花錢豬=吃飯+睡覺代入: 女人=豬+花錢移項: 女人-花錢=豬結論: 不花錢的女人都是豬綜上:男人為了讓女人不變成豬而掙錢!女人為了讓男人不變成豬而花錢!男人+女人=兩頭豬總結:為了不讓我自己變成豬,只好努力花錢啦哈哈哈~~~
謝謝小崧的surprisethat was something really surprised me!!一整天都沒打給我連個生日快樂都沒有特別等到晚上12點才打電話給你居然都不理我 還在外面混我當然就悶悶的去睡覺啦凌晨2點多, 電話響了.....鈴 鈴 鈴~~~有個大笨蛋說" 對不起 我遲到了"...
這就是凌晨兩點多 出現在我門口的東東一隻超級大熊熊 加上 一個看起來很喘的小崧 呵~~~現在每天只要抱著teddy就會睡著不管是幾點....抱一下下就會想睡覺了這樣以後就不用怕會失眠摟 ccc真的好可愛好可愛, 謝謝小崧給我的生日禮物
某一天某時候 公司兩個無聊人突然間興起了來場羽球大戰就這樣的 二樓跟三樓的戰爭一觸即發副總與協理間的e-mail口水戰也開始流傳在每個人的信箱各憑本事招募好手既然我每天在三樓招搖撞騙當然應為三樓效點力啦時間一天一天逼近比賽表也終於公佈男單 x 2女單男雙 x 2女雙混雙總共七場比賽定勝負終於終於比賽於今天晚上準8:00pm開打了經過一番鬥陣 一番廝殺嘿嘿嘿嘿.....當然還有一旁賣力的啦啦隊加油YA 三樓以四勝三敗 險勝二樓當然當然 我賣力的女雙也為我門三樓贏的一勝雖然我忘了比賽勝利的獎品是什麼 orz不過.....嘿嘿嘿....至少贏了啦啦啦聽說去年的籃球比賽 三樓慘敗二樓今天終於板回了三樓的面子可惜少了些照片 就此表達我心中的愉悅啦 ccccc不過...在我比賽結束後...被小阿諾笑了一下說我跟winnie是我門三樓的"笑"點沒辦法 誰叫我手癢....出界的球也要打 還有揮棒落空的 orz沒關係沒關係 至少有贏就好ㄇㄟ...ccccc
上星期跟好久不見的高中朋友一起去了5天4夜的泰國之旅Aiko, Yoko, Renie, Jessie, Wei-Ping, 還有我五年不見 大家還是老樣子長的一樣 個性更是一樣一點也不像五年不見的老朋友了這五天中, 去看了泰國的四面佛, temple, palace, boat cruise, 以及當然少不了的spa massage還有還有, 去海邊玩是一定要的啦!!第一次發現 泰國人過去給我的印象不太一樣在泰國遇到的人 都好有禮貌 不管是男生/女生講話都是輕聲細語的泰國夜市跟台灣的說起來也滿像的不過更擠了點 熱了點各式各樣的泰國服飾, 飾品, 少不了的大象不過啊, 記得喔 殺價是一定要的啦!!去之前大家都是這樣跟我說 不殺價會被笑的呢!!身平第一次的殺價就這樣的獻給泰國的夜市啦!!曼谷的交通就不敢恭維了不論是假日還是平常, 只要到下午四點後就只有一的字可以形容 "塞"除了它們的駕駛座是在右手邊外, 它們的單行的也特別多甚至還有在同一道路上,其中五條線是同一方向, 只有一條線是反方向的也許因為泰國主要以觀光為主 所以道路上的taxi特別多感覺上taxi甚至比家庭轎車還多呢, 而且它們的計程車都是手排的喔 各式各樣的顏色都有呢想必沒有觀光客會希望在這樣的交通開車的 orz泰國消費跟台灣相比下也比較便宜所以大家來的大血拼也是一定要的啦包包啊 衣服啊 鞋子啊......能帶就一定要帶啦只能說啊....女生的錢實在太好賺了!!! XD到離曼古車程兩小時的Pattaya, 再坐船出海到外面的小島乾淨的海灘, 清澈的海水, 比基尼美女, 甚至講中文超標準的泰國人第一次嘗試banana boat 嚇破膽 ....... orz五天雖然很短 不過卻帶回了許多美好的回憶有太多想說的, 太多的照片 無法跟大家分享就先放一張在pattaya海邊照的照片給大家過過癮摟可惜Jessie在幫大家照相....所以就沒有出現在照片中摟 sorry~~~
最近愛看電視啊....看到一個節目 曹蘭跟徐乃麟 主持的叫"天天紅不讓"其中裡面的一個單元節目還滿有趣的現在大家太常用電腦/手機打字,反而都忘記怎麼寫國字啦所以這個節目把中文字拆開,來讓大家猜是哪個字for example, "口、十".......猜猜是哪個字勒 嘿嘿猜對了嗎。。。。。。 "田"再來啦。。。這兩天看到的題目。。。還滿機車的 哈哈讓大家來猜猜摟~~~"一 小 住 " =???"二 十 土 一 支" =???上面這兩個字是有相關聯的喔!!!"弓 女 一 人" =??? 這是單一字而已"二 手 火" =???"雨 中 一 月 甘" =??? 可是最後那個"甘" 沒有中間那一橫,找不到那個字怎麼打 哈這兩個字也是相關聯的喔!!大家有猜到嗎,哇哈哈哈ㄏ
Had one shot of Tequila last night...with Robin and her friends...This is actually my second time touched TequilaFirst time was on my 20th BirthdayBengi bought me a shot for my B-daybut I only drank a sip..... couldn't stand the taste at allLast night was the second time.... cuz didn't drink it all last time, actually didn't know how strong it isafter drank the shot.... first just felt my throst burning, then stomach, then the whole bodyafter a while, started feeling powerless with my extremitiesafter after a while, started feeling vomittingwell, since there is nothing much in my stomach...nothing came outonly felt ... lots of gas insidewent to bed not long after got back to Robin's houseNow i know how strong the shot is, and how much i can't handlewon't try again next time lo.....hehe, the feeling was not pleasant at all :P*~~~~~~~~~~*I know i promised you not to drink last nightbut i did, i am really sorryI know you don't like ppl drinking, especially for girlsI know you are worried about meI am truely really sorryBut i just can't promise it won't happen againI just can't promise i won't drink in the futureI am so sorry ~~~~
Looking back, seeing what is behindLooking up, seeing what is aheadI miss the old time being a studentI also look forward for the futureLooking throught pics from the past years,@ Oklahoma, being the only Chinese in the town remember how I cried through every single night remember how I talked with non-sense English grammer remember the day i was finally flying home after an year of study aborad remember......@ Minnesota, seeing snowing for the first time in my life remember the day moved in the dorm and met my roommate remember how ppl used to make fun of my poor English remember how I got mad so easily and fought with friends remember raced in the snow field and had snow-fight remember......@ Vancouver, was amazed by the number of Chinese ppl there remember the first economic classes with 500 other classmates remember waited for my friend at the skytrain for TWO hrs remember how i joined the LE club and being one of the assistants remember I failed organic chem midterm with only 20% grade remember those friends who helped me and care about me remember......Feel sad that i might not even be able to meet with the ppl i met/knew/love again for the past 7 yearsSince i am such a lazy person, not contacting with old friends much....but this doesn't mean i don't think of them or miss even them....@ Taiwan, working hard for my first job ever trying to fit into the new environment trying to make what i learned in school useful trying to perform the best i can trying and trying.....Maybe i will be a student again sometimes later in the futureMaybe I will be working from now on all my lifeMaybe I will get married someday and being as a housewifeMaybe....Not knowing what my future will be....But certainly I cherish all the memory i been through....good or badps: don't know what i am taying for, can just totally ignore me....hahahaha
相信在台灣的大家應該都知道香菸要漲價摟新聞上講著 抽菸的人都是一條一條的在買甚至有人想辦法到機場的免稅商店購買所以啦...今天到公司看到抽菸的那幾個同事自然反應的就是問 "ㄟ 香菸要漲價了,你又沒有去囤貨啊"同事答 "幹麻要囤貨, ㄐㄧㄝˋ菸比較快啊"我答 "恩 說的好, 終於想到要戒菸啦"同事答 "當然啊, 這樣剛好可以省錢..............................帶打火機去吸菸室就好"我....愣了一下....才發現.....被騙了...."借"菸.....當然省錢又方便啦....頓時無言以對........這就是今天在公司的小插曲啦!!! ps: 如果不能留or看不到comments, 請按滑鼠右鍵 -> 選擇"編碼" ->在選擇"unicode" 這樣應該就可以啦.... 嘿嘿嘿~~
could it be the second time again....i thought i have finally got over....the past years....i don't wanna been through again...I am so afraid...but i have no one to tell...it's not that no one will listen to me...but.... none knows how I feel truely...I really really don't wanna go over again...i don't know how much i can handle it this time...I am really so afraid....afraid to lose all again....found that i become as fragile as before again...little thing could make me think much...everthing could make me cry...don't like how the way i am...but....i don't know what else i could do...