
7 years have passed by

Time flys ~~~

Even thought it has been 7 years already, I still remember it so clearly.
Not sure if I am ready to tell the whole world what I have been through.
But sure that I am strong enough to face the fact today.

Remember it was discovered while I was studying in the commen area of Shattuck.
But I really didn't pay much attention at that time.
Until, it got worse....................

Remember flying back and forth between U.S. and Taiwan.
Remember my dad joking that I have to prepare for the worth situation.
After all, it did came true with my dad's joke.

Remember how I cried through every day and night.
Remember how paintfull it was to go to school everyday.
Remember the faces poeplo looked at me weirdly.

Every memories come so clearly even now.
I don't know how I could been through all these, but I am glad I did.
I didn't let my illness to pull me down.

I was just reading through some notes on web posted by those people who are same as me.
Some of them have not even recovered for their whole life, 10, 20 years, even 30.
I am very thankful for how lucky I can be.

Not that I don't cry anymore when ever I think of it.
But I am really glad that I could do much more things than before.
I can run, I can swim, I can ride the roller coaster with no worry.

Maybe I am still not fully recover yet, but I am sure I will be someday.

Thanks for those who cares for me. ^^

Just a little memory note for myself.
When I am ready to tell the whole world, maybe I will write a little story of myself.
maybe, maybe~~~


joke of the day!!

前幾天啊 因為媽媽的電腦有問題
好像中毒了 可是用防毒軟體又找不到病毒在哪裡



我: 明明沒什麼再用電腦, 居然還會中毒
媽媽: 我又不知道為什麼會中毒
我: 你可能上網看一些東西就弄到病毒啦
媽媽: 沒有啊, 我電腦買到在都還上網啊!!
我: @@??
媽媽: 我沒有上網, 只有看e-mail而已啊!!!
我:....... @@!!!
